Yeast infection at 28wks

Last week I found out that the skin ard my vagina was largely tender and raised. I brushed it off thinking it could be nothing. Two days later, it became so red, itchy and the skin was shedding. There was a white cast on the skin. My husband googled and said it could be a yeast infection. I read that high estrogen could alter the balance of bacteria and yeast, causing this. We also found that tea tree oil could help so I started using it . Though it helped with the itch, using it neat made me uncomfortable. The oil was very hot. Later I found that I should have diluted it w a carrier oil. When I did, I felt so much better. Today is my 6th day. While I did go to the GP on the 4th day and was prescribed a broad spectrum anti fungal cream, I just wanted to share that tea tree oil also works. Just putting it out there because I couldn't find any related post about this when I was searching.

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thanks for sharing