Is my situation normal? What should I do? Should i just wait or should I go to the private clinic?

Last 2 weeks recap, I went to the clinic (government) for check up right after i found out I was pregnant and they said I am 6 weeks pregnant if according to my last date of period. No scanning yet as it might be to early and asked me to come back after 2 weeks. Yeah, I came back as I was told and Ultrasound was done. Frustration hit me when the doctor said only the sac was visible and it might be still too small to scan. The other possibility is my date might be slightly wrong, she added. New appointment was set for me which in another 2 weeks, by the time I will be in week 10. Is my situation normal? What should I do? Should i just wait or should I go to the private clinic for another Ultrasound? #pleasehelp #advicepls #ingintahu #bantusharing

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