Tinder on hubs phone

Just saw that my husband has tinder on his phone. He said he downloaded it just to check out the design of the app as he is a graphic designer. Should I be worried?

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Yeah abit too late since he has 'deleted' the app. But like everyone else has said, ask for his opinion on the UI, how's it work that sorta thing. Then you kinda have a decent guesstimate on what's he's up to. If my partner has it on her phone and she's like secretive about it, awww hell no. BUT now is a damn good time to talk about privacy with your husband. If he is full transparency, you should be too. like can check each other's phone and messages. If he isn't and you aren't either, then establish that. Sun Tzu Art of War: How to turn an unfavourable situation into one that benefits mutually.

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