Grieflike state

I've gone for my 20 week scan and it's already revealed that it's a boy... I really wanted my first to be a girl, one reason being I grew up with an older brother from hell. My colleagues have been asking what's the gender and I just keep lying that baby's legs keep crossing and we can't see. I'm really in denial and I feel so silly going through this grief-like state when I still have a healthy baby with ten fingers and a beating heart. I feel like a terrible mother.

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Don't feel guilty about it! It is normal to feel disappointed or sad. I've been through it as well *hugs* I've wanted a girl so badly and when I found out that it's a boy, I was devastated and cried like there's no tomorrow. Don't worry mummy, you'll feel better as time goes by. I will not lie, I do feel sad sometimes but the thought of meeting him soon still makes me happy :)

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