Pineapple for pregnant
Is it safe to eat pineapple during pregnancy?

Pineapple is a very rich source of vitamins and minerals that are important for the excellent health of a pregnant woman. It has been used as a digestive aid, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and to induce labor. Bromelain, a type of proteolytic enzyme found in pineapple, helps to soften the cervix which could ease the labor, but it should be consumed in larger quantities. Freshly-squeezed pineapple juice supplies vitamin C, a nutrient that strengthens the production of collagen, which supports in the growth of your baby’ skin, bones, bony process and tissues. When you eat fresh pineapple, you will get some quantity of iron, essential nutrients for the production of blood, as well as folic acid, which can help in avoiding certain birth defects. Pineapple is rich in the source of Vitamin C and it has also the essential digestive enzymes that the body needs during the phase of pregnancy. It is safe to eat pineapple in a moderate / limited quantity when you are pregnant. Pineapple is low in terms of the saturated fat and contains fiber, which can help to ease constipation. It helps maintain a healthy nervous system and heart as it contains Vitamin B1. The Vitamin C content in pineapple boosts the immune system. The manganese content in pineapple is helpful for the maintenance of healthy bones. What’s more, the vitamin B6 content in pineapple helps provide relief from the morning sickness and it is also good for several functions in the body. Fresh pineapple (not canned or candied) must be consumed to get the benefits of bromelain. ineapple is a delicious nutritional snack, rich in proteins and minerals; apart from satisfying their sweet tooth, one can also eat it to get rid of sore throats and other stomach-related infections. On the other hand, the fruit may also cause problems like heartburn and diarrhea Hence pregnant women need to consume pineapple in moderate quantities. Here are some of the risks associated with pineapple consumption, which may lead to complications for your child inside the womb:
Read moreYes, it is safe to eat pineapple when you are pregnant. Pineapple is a nutrient-rich fruit that is low in saturated fat and contains fibre which can help to ease constipation, a common complaint during pregnancy. Apart from satisfying their cravings, one can also eat it to get rid of sore throats and other stomach-related infections. On the other hand, the fruit may cause heartburn and diarrhoea. Hence pregnant women need to consume pineapple in moderate quantities. Here are some of the risks associated with pineapple consumption: - During the first trimester, it will be better to avoid eating pineapple for any unforeseen event such as weakening of the cervix. - Consumption of excess amount of pineapple may cause diarrhoea, vomiting, skin rash and uterine contractions. - There is high sugar concentration in pineapple which is harmful to women with gestational diabetes. As a precaution, many expecting mummies exclude pineapples from their diets altogether. Some also believe that these fruits are "cold" and eating them can cause miscarriage or premature labor. There is no evidence of this however. Sometimes they are recommended as a natural way of starting labor. But for the pineapple to cause contractions, you would have to eat extremely large quantities of it. So if you eat this fruit in moderation, you can benefit from it's nutrients without worrying about it impacting on your pregnancy or baby. If you are still unsure whether to eat pineapples, you can consult your doctor.
Read moreThere are so many old-wives tales regarding pineapple and the female reproductive system in general. Growing up, I was always told not to eat pineapples during my period because it will lead to heavy bleeding and these days, I've been told that pineapples can weaken the cervix and potentially lead to miscarriage. Scientifically, this "myth" is based on the presence of a compound in pineapple called bromelain. The logic behind the pineapple myth is that bromelain breaks down proteins. Since your newly conceived baby is made up of proteins, consuming bromelain can cause bleeding and miscarriage. While bromelain capsules or tablets might increase the risk of miscarriage, eating a reasonable amount of fresh pineapple is very unlikely to do so. That being said, personally, in my first trimester, I would take all sorts of precaution - myth or not - to reduce any negative consequences, if it means not eating pineapples -- then I'm okay with that.
Read moreGuess it's really depend on your situation. Pineapple belong to the cooling food, hence 1st trimester is not recommend, as 1st trimester is the period when you should take in more heaty food ( chicken essence, tonic etc.) Last trimester than belong to the period you should take more cooling food (green bean soup, coconut, etc) if not easy get heaty and also good to detox all the bad toxins. My gynae only told no coffee,tea and raw food and sex for 1st trimester. He told me to go ahead for pineapple tarts
Read moreIm n a bad situation during my first trimester. i vomited everyday even without food or drinks. spotting and cramps. My gynae ask me to eat anything and drink anything except of alcohol, smoking and pinneapple. He mention that there is a substance in pineapple that will trigger slight cramps and it will not be good for my case. OTher food like watermelon, grass jelly etc are all ok
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I did ate 2-3 slice pineapple (actually i didn't know i was pregnant that time). When i ask doctor, she said it should be fine to take it in small amount. Don't eat the whole pineapple. Same goes to Durian. I eat 1-2pcs only 😁
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No my OB strictly not to have pine apple as it can harm by the baby in the early first trimester. Its help you for contraction or miscarriage.
It is not recommended in the 1st and last trimester usually, but I didn't like pineapple so much anyways, so kept away.