Is it really safe to have unprotected sex in your ‘safe days’?

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It depends how you determined the safe days. With natural methods like the Billing's Ovulation Method or the Creighton Model, days of fertility and infertility are determine through the observation of the quality of the cervical mucus days and putting down on a chart. Both methods have a about 96% practical effectiveness when used to postpone prengnacies.

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It is only safe if you abstain from sex altogether, as you may not know the exact date of ovulation. If you don't want to start a fire, don't play with matches. If you are not ready to have a child, do practice birth control.

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I reckon it's never safe -- I know a couple who observed all sorts of methods (taking temperature, checking cervical mucus viscosity) ensure that they had sex on "safe days" but still conceived. Theoretically the methods might be sound but human factors and errors are unpredictable.

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No. Your period regulates and there is no sure way of knowing if your egg has been released, earlier or later. Nothing is "safe" unless you abstain altogether.

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Cannot be 100% safe in such situations given dynamics and unknowns of the human body

Not really though, just get the protections ready is always the safest

Just have him pull out. You'll be good. ;)


Nothing is ever safe, Best to do precaution