unprotected sex

hi, if make unprotected sex before the period comes in 3 days later, won't it conceive right?

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Anything is possible when it comes to pregnancy. Don’t bank on maybe. Use protection if you don’t want to get pregnant

Shouldn’t be but this kind of thing kinda hard to say, who knows might happen..

Technically not as you're not really ovulating. But can't be certain.

Thành viên VIP

Shouldn’t be pregnant if you’re period cycle is consistent and accurate

6y trước


Anything is possible here. Use protection if you aren’t sure.

Although it's not your most fertile time, you can never say.

Thành viên VIP

Unlikely but still possible 😅

6y trước

Wahh u sure?

Anything is possible

very hard to say

Thành viên VIP

Haha should be Ok ba(:

6y trước

Yeah we rarely make love since I gave birth to #2 in Nov 2017. 🤪