In your opinion which thermometer for armpit is good for newborn? I used Omron and it just died on me even after changing battery

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Most of my friends are using BRAUN Thermo Scan Infrared Ear Thermometer. Heard good reviews on it, accurate and lasting (got a friend who has been using hers for 6 years now). As for thermometers used at the armpit, one of my friends recommended Terumo Axillary Digital Clinical Thermometer. Commented that it's affordable and good.

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I find thermometer for armpit is harder to use a my children will tend to wiggle a lot during the reading taking. I would like to recommend Braun Brand ear thermometer which serves me for 5 years and still working perfectly. The latest model is Braunscan 7 where you can simply select your child’s age, take their temperature and the colour coded display will help you understand the temperature reading, based on the age of the child, and act accordingly.

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4y trước

Do you use the ear themormeter since birth?