27 Replies

Just ignore them. Everyone have their own timeline. U r not doing anything wrong so I feel the mother is rude! She has no right to judge u. So just ignore them and enjoy your life.

I know my hubby since 13 yrs old. we lost contact, only bump to each other 21 yrs later. par tok 5 years than married. by the time I have my 2 kids I am already going 40.

VIP Member

Ignore the negativities! Live the life you want, you can never fulfil everyone’s expectations. As long as you’re happy, why care about others words or thoughts?

Ignore them! I am a 21 year old single mum! Let them say whatever they want to say. You do you. Afterall, you are the one living the life. You go girl 🙌

VIP Member

Motherhood is a blessing, ignore negative comment and fill your heart with your babies

VIP Member

Motherhood is a blessing. Ignore the passby as your heart is full with your babies!

VIP Member

Be happy and proud. You can enjoy your baby while young. It’s the best thing

VIP Member

Simply ignore these people... it's your life and you live it the way you want!

You dont hv to answer their qn, if i were you, i will simply walk away

Don’t feel like that!! They are narrow minded. You do you!!

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