Maternity leave, when is it good to go back to work

I’m wondering if 2 months if enough maternity leave before I go back to work. I feel I’m the sort who can’t be cooped up at home too long. Was thinking of breaking up my ML 2 months den work 2 months den another 2 months ML. Fully intend to try expressing milk even at work too

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i had similar thoughts as you before birth and thought of going back to work after 3 months. My boss was ok with me going back 3 or 4 months. In the end near the end of 3 month s i requested to take the final month as well instead because (1) baby felt too young to put in ifc and I had no alternative caregiver until he can go to ifc. (2) post partum hormones that make me want to spend more time with him while he is young. (3) took 4 months for me to extend my pumping gap to about 6 7 hours that would be easier for me to work and continue expressing milk (im exclusive pumping). for my 3rd 4th month now Im challenging bringing him outdoors (parks, malls, cafes, even my company office!) alot to kill time and not feel like being stuck at home all day. it is tiring but also fulfilling to be able to bring him out. but i do have friends who only took 2 months maternity leave and return to work, saving the leave for rainy days. it is really dependent on whether u have alternative caregiver, are you ok to put him/her in ifc/caregiver at 2 months old, nature of your work etc~

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i feel bored too at home. but having a newborn is very tiring if you're breastfeeding and pumping. you'll be lacked of sleep and need time to adjust. every pregnancy is different. i just gave birth to my second last month (normal delivery), and I'm still adjusting, trying to find my momentum and energy back, but it's not that easy as compared to my first pregnancy. i felt like i rested more when i have my first born as compared to now. having the thought of going back to work when I'm still adjusting drags me. 😅 maybe, you can try take the full 16 weeks and if you feel like you can go back to work earlier, try talk to your hr or manager if they can accept you coming back from ML earlier and use the remaining days/weeks later? or you can propose the idea first and see what your hr/manager responds and then decide whether you want to take the full 16 weeks?

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Hi there, for my first born I took the full 4 months and like you, I got soooo bored at home. Even during confinement I dreaded it cos I felt cooped up and envied those who can go out to work or to have a breather. Now pregnant with my no.2, I decided to take 3 months and save that 1 month for emergencies. Furthermore, I think 2 months is too short unless you have alternate care for ur baby. For mine, I have to send to infant care and I hope that baby gets to start when he’s 2.5 months and allows time for me to adjust to the school routine. Hope my reply helps :)

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1y ago


I’m also the type that does not like staying at home much. Even during pregnancy, I was out most of the time. Before giving birth, I thought that 4 months ML will bore me to death. Fast forward to today, 3 months pp, I feel like 4m ML is not even enough despite having plenty of help at home and had a normal delivery. But then again, it could also be because I do go out every now and then (for exercises, walks at the mall, gatherings, etc) so maybe that helped.

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I think it depends whether you went thru normal birth or csect. Im not sure about normal birth but for csect, 2 months is way too short, youll still be in pain and its advised not to do anything strenuous or carry heavy things etc for atleast 3 months. I understand that youre not the type that can stay in house for long but believe me, your body will really need the rest and time to recover fully.

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It depends on your comfort. I personally took 4 months and it became 2 years and counting 😅. I’m more of an introvert so staying at home was basically heaven and peaceful for me. I initially thought the same too, cause no work = no income but then after months of facing my baby, seperation anxiety hits me 😂. Also, since I’m pumping, I feel staying at home was a less stressful option.

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i took all 16 weeks. felt like it wasn’t enough. also because i love to stay home. lol. i don’t really like gg out. but one of the pros when you split into 2, is that you have extra leaves when an emergency happens. ccl is only 6 days per year… never enough on top of the annual leave you have in case baby gets sick once he / she goes to school.

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I took 3months and I still felt that it wasn't enough.. I constantly missed my baby when I am at work. and I missed a lot of interaction time with my boy. as when I knock of it's jus showering him and latching him and he is off to bed. I rarely have time for story like we used to. cos I am already too tired for it.

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I took 4 months even though bb sent to ifc at 2 mths. cause no one to help with solo parenting.. also c sect recovery was so hard n yet I had to solo parent after the 1st month. pp blues hit so hard n i m still pumping.. I feel I need time to find n be myself again. so the 4th month is kind of my me time.

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I also cannot sit at hm too long. But honestly my firstborn i took the 4 mths (prior to tat i did break off n took some flexi ml and worked at home a couple of days to save my leave coz my ger can start sch only at 5mth plus). But its really tiring still.. haha