Maternity leave, when is it good to go back to work
I’m wondering if 2 months if enough maternity leave before I go back to work. I feel I’m the sort who can’t be cooped up at home too long. Was thinking of breaking up my ML 2 months den work 2 months den another 2 months ML. Fully intend to try expressing milk even at work too

i had similar thoughts as you before birth and thought of going back to work after 3 months. My boss was ok with me going back 3 or 4 months. In the end near the end of 3 month s i requested to take the final month as well instead because (1) baby felt too young to put in ifc and I had no alternative caregiver until he can go to ifc. (2) post partum hormones that make me want to spend more time with him while he is young. (3) took 4 months for me to extend my pumping gap to about 6 7 hours that would be easier for me to work and continue expressing milk (im exclusive pumping). for my 3rd 4th month now Im challenging bringing him outdoors (parks, malls, cafes, even my company office!) alot to kill time and not feel like being stuck at home all day. it is tiring but also fulfilling to be able to bring him out. but i do have friends who only took 2 months maternity leave and return to work, saving the leave for rainy days. it is really dependent on whether u have alternative caregiver, are you ok to put him/her in ifc/caregiver at 2 months old, nature of your work etc~
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