24 Replies

Hi! I took HL on my 28 weeks onwards! Take it if u need to rest. Don’t worry about work. They’ll survived! All the best! 💓

I took under KKH but private gynae. Definitely can’t get HL if ur under subsidised.

Hi hope u update on this im 31 weeks im under sgh subsidised and honestly i feel u i have been going on mc for ache and pains!

was under kkh subsidised before and couldn’t get HL. Been using up all my mc and leaves and I’m left with non. Thought by switching to private I could get HL too, but nope :3

KKH only gives HL 1 week before EDD. I went private gynae and he gave me HL for 2 weeks from week 29.

I would listen to my body. If need jus take.

yes, u can. My gynac has been giving me on and off to rest.

I quit my job since 3rd month

Super Mum

You can try asking your gynae for it.

Super Mum

You can try request from your gynae

VIP Member

try asking ur gynae

yes you can! and go for it!

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