Sub patient A1 room??

Hi all, im a subsidised patient under KKH but husband wants me to take A1 ward for when after i give birth as he wants to be by my side till i check out and the rest if the wards dont allow husbands to stay. I initially disagreed as it costs 500+ and i feel that it’s a waste of money, but he insists as he is scared, i have asthma & quite a bad sinus & i might have my asthma attack at night or i might be down with sinus or i will be tired and baby might need care at night. So i dont know, should i listen to him or should i just tell him there will be nurses around? I am not so sure as this is my first. He means well, and he has saved up quite alot for baby and me but i was hoping to save on hospital bills so we can spend more on baby. And i would like him to get more rest as he has taken leave for the whole 44 days while im on ‘pantang’ and im already feeling bad cause he will have to take care of me and baby instead of hiring a confinement nanny. What should i do? What should my hubs do? 😔

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My hubby wanted A1 too so he can take care of me and baby but there's nurses and doctors in the hospital so baby and mummy will be well cared for. But like the others mentioned, money can be earned. Both parents are responsible for the baby so there's no need to feel bad. Your husband is sweet and trying to do the best for you and baby. the postpartum care needs to be well taken care of too! Just take some time to think through and decide what's best for all. At the end of the day, we parents try to save as raising a baby isn't cheap.

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