Glucose test

Hello, I’m planning to opt out from the glucose test, but I’m also on a dilemma whether to opt out or not as previous checkup gynae said baby was on the bigger side. Any mummies opt out from the test even after gynae saying so? I’ve no records of diabetes in my family tree or even myself.

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Better to test. Even if no history of diabetes, pregnancy can play havoc on the body. Gestational diabetes will generally resolve after baby is delivered but must be managed appropriately.

My family and myself doesn’t have diabetes too but i had gestational diabetes when i was pregnant. After giving birth im back to normal. So it is better to check :)

Super Mom

Better to take. I didnt expect I would be diagnosed with GD. And with that, my future pregnancies will be at risk for GD too... It’s an eye-opener.

Whats the reason your gynae suggest you to go for glucose test ? Is it becos of your glucose level high or purely just becos baby big size ?

6y trước

Purely because baby big size. Then I realised that at KKH, glucose test is a must unless you opt out of it

Super Mom

Better to take. Even if your family members has no diabetes doesn't mean that you won't be a GD mum.

Thành viên VIP

Even so it's better to take the test

Better to take the test

Better to take the test

Better to test

Thành viên VIP

better to test