I'm a new mom and it always seems like I'm forgetting something when we leave the house. Do you have a checklist for packing a diaper bag?

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Nope, but I put my stuff in pouches.. One with the moisturiser and nappy cream etc. One with wet wipes, tissue, diapers, changing mat and plastic bags. One with spare clothes for baby like onesies, jacket, socks, pants and hat. And a spare top for myself (in case baby spit and dirty my clothes) and nursing cover, nursing pads. I also include a muslin towel (scared baby cold when in pram) and some toys to distract baby if she cries or whines (not willing to use gadgets for distractions). FTM too, used to forget bringing things, now i make sure my pouches are replaced with things used and in my bag before leaving my house. However every mom needs diff things so you can amend to your own needs like milk powder, bottles, pacifier etc.

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