Baby diaper bag

Im a first time mom-to-be. When buying diaper bag (for going out), does it really specifically have to be diaper bag or we can actually just use any type of bag for diaper bag ? #firstbaby #advicepls

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Can just use backpack or tote bag. I personally like to go light and easy if I’m bringing baby out alone and nearby. I just go out with a cooler bag for milk and ice block (my baby drinks cold milk) then put spare diapers, spare romper, small packet of wipes and dry tissue underneath. I’m using Babyexpress’s cooler bag.

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Can be any bag, need not be diaper bag. Just that diaper bag have alot of compartments for you to get your things organised (diaper change/feeding/Spare clothes).

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i actually started off just using the one provided by hospital