loss of appetite and morning sickness on 14th week

I'm having twins and I'm in my 14th week. Is it normal I still having morning sickness and loss of appetite and even water....

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It's normal. I had morning sickness till 16 weeks, then started feeling normal until 27 weeks (nausea came back but feeling much better than in the first tri). It's harder for u cos u are having twins. But u can get medicines from your gynae if u are really feeling bad. Take care!

4y trước

Thank you

Super Mom

Yes it is. I had nausea the entire pregnancy, and throughout the entire day too. Please take medicines to help with the nausea so you can at least drink water, dear

4y trước

Thank u

Drink Ribena! Nurse was telling me it is ok to treat that as water initially if u totally cant take water. I will vomit if i take water too

4y trước

Thank u Sharon will try Ribena

hello mama to be of twins! yes normal...my morning sickness goes away after the 5th month ?

Hi, Yes it is normal. But it will get better as you reach into further stages of pregnancy

It is normal. For most pregnancies, it will get better from second trimester onwards.

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Yes it's normal...But it does get better as your pregnancy progresses take care!

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Normal! I had it til 20 weeks though mine is not twins

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Yes it’s normal.

Yes it’s normal