Induce at 37 weeks 3 days on Monday
I’m gonna be induce first time on Monday due to diabetes my first born I wasn’t induce .. how’s the pain like ? Extra painful? Worst than natural ?

I was induced at week 40 and 2 days. Induce through tablet and contraction 5 hours later. But dilation slow so doctor break waterbag to speed up the induce process. The pain wasn't so bad.
I was induced at 37w3d but it failed after 2 tablets over 12 hours so ended up emergency c-sect. Not all inductions are successful so be prepared. 😊
My sister in law induced, the baby still took a few hours to come out. Not immediately. She didn't complain on the pain when induced
Ahhh okay2 thank you .. can’t wait for baby 💜
My labour was 14 hours despite inducing. All the best! It isn’t very pain for me
Did you also take epidural?
I requested epidural very early so I didnt feel any pain during labour.
Ahhhh.. Oaky2
Mummy of 2 little cuties ?