
Hi I’m a FTM but unplanned pregnancy so feeling very stressed. Whole pregnancy has been very tough for me emotionally as I’m very fearful of pain and have been dreading to give birth. Have actually scheduled my c sect date thinking that it might be better for me mentally but I just found out from my gynae that husband isnt allowed to enter operating theatre due to the new covid restrictions. I’m feeling very ugh because I’m really very scared and I don’t know what to do. Gynae did advice me to go for natural as she shared that my baby doesn’t look too big and I’m tall as well, and that c sect recovery will be quite painful and unbearable whenever I cough or laugh but I’m so scared of the labour, contractions and the process of waiting as well. Not sure what I should do.. am feeling very upset with my husband because of this too. Do share some experience and advice with me to help me out. Thank you

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Am a first time mum here as well. I had a rough pregnancy which only became better at the end part. I had a natural birth with epidural at 7cm dilated. I swear i didnt noe the bad tailbone pain was actually contraction 😂 tbh when i had epidural, my hb couldnt be in the rm as well. I delivered 7 wks ago at private hosp!

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3y trước

Trust me, there isnt any pain when they jabbed me. I hugged the nurse because the contraction came 😂 now i think back lucky she no covid ah!! But the nurses r nice. Dun worry too much and let nature takes it’s course!