baby stuff
I'm a first time mom. Do you stock up baby stuff first ? I heard will bring bad luck if buy before baby arrival.
Omg! Please start buying after first trimester at least! After birth you will be in confinement already. Daddy won't know what to buy!!! Haha! I can't imagine if I left everything to my hubby!! 😵😵😵😵
U dun stock now u wait til baby arrive a bit too late le 😂 i pangtang but if its not logical then i wun believe 😂
it will not bring bad luck, but if anything happens later, what to do with all the baby stuff that you have bought
I only started buying at 7 months because my family is a little “pantang” but it can be a little rushing too!
Yeap I stock up. Why not?
It’s an old wives tale
Should be fine
I do.
I thought of still early wanna get everything at two weeks before due date. But LO wanna come out earlier than I expected. Once you know the gender... Slowly see and list down what to get