I'm fed up with my Husband. He is not working this month as he is waiting to start a new job in jan. Everyday he is at home feeling bored and tired. Daytime he just watched his TV and night time when all goes to bed, he is on his phone playing games n reading stomp etc. He doesn't play much with our toddler. Even when she is sick n I have difficulties trying to feed the screaming toddler medicine, he is just sitting there stuck to his TV!! I do everything in a rush always, having my meals, taking a shower n even pooing! Once, I was in the showers n I heard our baby crying. I quickly rush out n see him laying beside crying baby but he is on his phone! I asked why he didn't pick her up, his reply was he doesn't know what she wants and she is too fragile. This is our second baby and he still feels he can't handle a newborn! I feel like screaming at him where is his Father instinct and that he is a lousy Father!!! I often chided him that he always feel tired because he spent his night reading useless news on his HP while everyone is asleep! N he doesn't nothing meaningful in the daytime!