Baby on a bigger size

Im currently pregnant 30 weeks 6 days .. on monday went to a ppt check up in kkh .. after scan on AMT .. had an doctor appt ,according to my doctor baby is on a bigger size which is roughly 2.4 kg now .. fear bb can grow bigger till edd date which in early august said might have to c sect if there is complication .. im praying not to go for csect.. my consuming of food intake is not much .. but doctor prescribe me 3 medicine for my pregnancy which is obimin,fish oil and calcium.. my thoughts maybe one of this med is causing bb growing bigger size ..but on side note bb is healthy .. im praying hard ...may allah ease my affair ..😔😔im so stress out .. its pressuring me ..

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Think positive mommy! I was in a similar situation a few mths bck but I eventually decided to do csect cz we didn't want to risk baby's shoulder dislocation, or using vacuum or forceps, and didn't want to risk having emergency csect eventually. I did everything to dilate frm 37th wk onwards but still 0cm by 39th wk. My gynae is pro natural but he gave his honest opinion tt likely my birth canal cld be too small for baby as I'm a petite 152cm mom, tt's why baby still high up at 39th wk. And even with induction, it's not a guarantee tt I cld dilate. But my csect turns out to be a blessing in disguise as baby had his cord ard his neck upon birth, which cld not be picked up by ultrasound, so tt cld hve been why he cld not progress down. Either way, I wld ended up with a csect. Every mom's birth situation is unique so tawakkal and pray tt everything will turn out fine, insya'Allah! I was also scared, esp tt I heard quite alot of scary stories abt csect but it was a fast and painless procedure (was on epidural), my recovery was fast too and my incision scar is almost invisible aft a month. So I nvr regretted my decision. Oh btw my baby was 3.8kg.

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4y trước

im a big size mama ... my 2nd born was 3.6kg .. yes im praying to allah .. may allah ease my affair till the day.. this is my 6th baby ..just a bit shocked but apa pon im bersyukur bb sihat n selamat .. just dua'a semoga semua di permudahkan allah .. la ilaha ilah anta subhannaka inni kuntu minaz zalimin .. im trying to think positive than negative ..maybe the influence is quite strong to me .. anyway tq mummy for the positive thinking .. im trying my best to shove negative thought

Do u have gestational diabetes? I also took the same 3 vitamins and my due is early Aug. My baby weight is at 2kg at 30 weeks. My gynae also said if baby is gg to be more than 3.5kg, I may need to prepare myself for c-sect. But at the moment, she is trying for normal birth if there is not complications by next check up on 34 wks.

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4y trước

nope im not ... same my edd is august too .. wait for july check.up .. hopefully we will go thru natural.birth

I think the size of your baby should be due to your diet and not the vitamins. I'm a big size mum and taking the exact same vitamins as you. I indulge in cakes for 2 weeks after oogt and baby weight went up from 1.9 to 2.4kg at week 34.

4y trước

sure will do ... have next scan in 6 weeks

I m kinda worried too. At wk 28 my gynae said my baby is on higher end and she is 1.1kg. My next apptment is on 19 jun! I have GD so i m also worried abt baby's size. But anyw i dun tink it has anyting to do wif the meds. More of diet.

4y trước

U taking alot of carbs? When gynae told me on bigger side i was also worried. I am looking fwd to my apptment next wk to find out the weight. I dun take rice/beehoon/sugared drinks etc and only heavily reliant on all the sides in a main meal. So when baby still put on weight fast i also worry my diabetes affected her. My friend who went for her apptment on monday is 1.5kg. 31 wks as at today. O.o Dun worry as long as baby is healthy!

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Don't worry babe as long as ur baby is healthy. I also had this situation on my 2nd pregnancy. My doter was born with 3.8kg, normal delivery. Still got time to learn hypnobirthing. Its work on me, less pain.

4y trước

tq for the couragememt words .. moga allah melindungi kita ... aamiin

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many complication lead to csect, my baby is normal size but end up with emergency csect. and i think nothing wrong with csect or ant procedure as long as baby is healthy and safe. dont stress too much.

4y trước

tq for the courage words

The supplements won’t make ur baby big. Are u having GD? Or are you eating alot of carbs, sugary stuffs , fatty foods or gravy stuffs? That could lead to heavier baby too

4y trước

hmm not about sugary stuff cause im not into sweet stuff .. eat it once in a blue moon .. nope i dont have GD.. maybe carbs n finger foods ,gravy once in awhile cause i only eat rice once a day n that in moderate portion .. but anyway thanks for the answer ..

r u taking maternity milk.

4y trước

nope .. doctor prescribe me 3 medicine .. fish oil,obimin n calcium