Stressed / worried/ anxious

I'm currently living with my in-laws, and I'm now 30 weeks pregnant. I've been exposed to third-hand smoke throughout my pregnancy because my father-in-law smokes inside the house. He smokes outside when I’m home, but when I’m not around, he smokes indoors. He has been smoking inside the house for a long time before this. I'm really worried about my baby's health, especially since I have gestational diabetes. My husband has already told his father that smoking affects our health, but he doesn’t seem to care and still smokes inside. I think he believes the smell will eventually go away, but I don’t want to stay here anymore. However, I have no choice because we're waiting for a new place.

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Its ur in-laws house. Your FIL can do whateverhe wants in his own home. I think its quite considerate of him already to smoke outside when you’re around. you n hubby need to move out if its bothering you