Vaginal discharge

Hi i'm currently about 28 weeks right now. I've noticed increased in vaginal discharge, white & no smell. Is this normal? I've read somewhere that this is one of the telltale signs of premature labour? I'm worried.

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Totally normal. As the day getting nearer your vaginal discharge will increase. but do watch out for yellow/green/blood tinged discharge

Hi I have similar issue. Doctor said its normal to experience increased vaginal discharge as long as there is no smell or its not itchy.

I think it’s normal to have increased discharge throughout your pregnancy. If you’re concerned, check with your gynae for assurance.

It’s normal i had it since 5 months its more than before im pregnant but it’s getting worse so i had vagina swap test

normal. unless foul smell. if youre still worried,you may want to check with your gynae

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Yes this is totally normal