low placenta
I'm currently 21 weeks and 5 days pregnant and I just got news from my doctor saying that my placenta is low. My question is, will I feel a difference if my placenta starts moving upwards? And will ever move upwards? #worriedmotherhere #freakingout #stressedout

You probably can’t feel it. They will have to monitor it by repeating the ultrasound scan next time. There’s definitely a chance of it moving upwards, don’t worry:) This happens when baby grows bigger. For now, don’t overexert yourself, and you might have been advised to avoid intercourse at the moment.
Read moreHi dear, No need to worry. Your Dr will keep scanning during your visit just to make sure the placenta moves to the right position. I had a low lying placenta but after 2 weeks I saw my gynae and he told me the placenta moved. I also was worried. Stay positive okay? Hugs🤗🤗
During my 1st preg, my placenta is below bb. So gynae said if near edd never move up gott c sect. So everyday I just talk to bb, pls kick the placenta up.. and it happened and I can deliver naturally
The placenta will move upwards as pregnancy progresses. In the meantime, don’t stress and seek ur gynae advice. I believe no sex and more bed rest?
Placenta will usually move upwards as pregnancy progresses, moms won't feel anything and will only know during ultrasound scans
You can only see its position by ultrasound. There's a great chance of it moving upward, still early.
Hi, may i know u c sect or normal delivery? As my doct told me my placenta is low…
Can’t feel Don’t stress continue monitoring and listen to gynae
You cannot feel the position of th e placenta