16 Replies

I don't think you should do anything to stimulate the milk production, will cause premature contractions. I personally feel that it's different for every mother. Case 1: Just because you have alot of milk, if your nipple holes are closed, you should not eat more protein, instead you should use find out remedies to unclog them so the milk can flow out. Otherwise you'll get all clogged up with higher chances of getting mastitis. Case 2 : anxiety for the first 72 hours because your milk is colostrum filled - sticky and little. Don't worry, can always supplement with formula at this stage with a syringe. Full blown milk will come in a week. Google baby stomach size online and you will get what I mean. Case 3 : Really got no milk pump also drippy and breasts are soft. Please sleep and eat well, there are natural foods that can boost protein such as oats and Nutmilk. Trust your friendly soyabean uncle! Don't trust too much in milk boosting herbs, who knows the origins of these things and they can be expensive! Hearing stories and worrying isn't right. If you can, try signing up for talks or classes to learn skills and methods so you know what to do with the confinement arrangement. Health hub sg have some schedules you can look at. After giving birth, please talk directly to the hospital's lactation consultants, don't ask the nurses because they are not nutritionists and they are not licensed to see your problems in that department. I learnt it the hard way at Mount Alv despite them having the best nurses, turned out I had to drive back to the hospital to meet up with the consultant on the 5th day because of severe latching issues. Ok hope this helps!

VIP Member

Stress is the first killer of producing breastmilk. So, stay calm and relax. Your body will know there is a baby need to feed. So your body to produced as much as it can. Of course,you may find breastfeeding is tough in the initial stage, just remember to keep feeding or express it out. Let your body knows that your baby need the milk. Don't give up is the key! Don't give up even your baby is not teaching well. Must understand that baby also need time to learn. Do have your balance diet and keep yourself hydrated. Jia you!

VIP Member

You can do breast massage by experienced pre natal therapist. It would guarantee your milk increment but at least you will have lesser or no block ducts, which helps in smoother flow and gradually more milk supply if there's demand. So latch and pump is impt. When there's a deman there will ne supply after the milks kick in. And! Dont be stress about it.

Super Mum

Yes.. dun stress... if u stress ur milk supply may drop.. relax and ur body will produce milk auto.. pump & latch regularly when u give birth so that the supply is constant. I started pumping when I gave birth even though no much milk first few days.. but dun worry it will come 3, 4th day..

Super Mum

Dont worry. Some people take up to 5 days pp before their milk comes in. Mine started coming in around day 3.. just got to keep latching and pumping to stimulate milk supply! Jiayou.. :)

er dont think u can do much before giving birth. but once u do, latch and latch and latch!!! or pump n pump!!! nv miss a schedule, u can try lactation cookies or oats!

VIP Member

Don't worry , as long as you maintain a well balanced diet, you should be fine. Do not feel guilty in the event there's insufficient breast milk, take care!

Hi, Have lots of water, green leafy veggies and fruits in your diet. And most of all, get proper sleep and think positive :)

Important is to relax and let the supply come :) it may take a few days but meanwhile standby a small can of formula!

VIP Member

Besides fenugreek supplements, drink plenty of fluid, have green papaya fish soup and maternal milk after delivery.

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