Early miscarriage what kind of treatment

Hi I'm about 8 weeks going to 9 weeks. It's my 1st scan and found out that baby has no heartbeat . I told the Dr I want it to be naturally comeout . Hence the Dr give me an appointment 2 weeks later. I just want to ask if it's still not out yet , will u prefer taking the meds or going for operation? Share your experiences please appreciate it

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i was almost at the end of my 2nd trimester and found out no heartbeat. i opt for the natural way. and yes i couldnt agree more about the terrible pain and cramps. some says like contractions. im thankful for hubby and mom supporting and assisting me throughout. i was on a very short and minor malay traditional confinement care by mom's order with 3 days massage. on our follow up appointment, all out and good. truly hubby and i were strongly emotional affected becos we saw the big blob of blood clots just dropped on the toilet floor, knowing thats our child. took us awhile though to forget that moment. now im 18wks pregnant.

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