6 week scan no heartbeat

Hi all, I did an abdominal scan at the gynae at what I believe was 6 weeks based on LMP but the scan measured the gestational sac as 5 weeks, doctor said there is a yolk sac but no heartbeat found so will have to return 2 weeks later for another scan. It's measuring one week behind and now I'm worried that this is a missed miscarriage. Doesn't help that I'm 39 and this is my first ever pregnancy after trying for 2 years. Is it normal to measure behind time and no heartbeat at 6 weeks scan?

6 week scan no heartbeat
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Hi, from experience, best to relax and not stress yourself especially in these 2 weeks of waiting as the stress hormones cortisol interferes with progesterone (needed for pregnancy). I didn’t know that last time and was so stressed out in my waiting and in hindsight it did me no good. Try to be stay joyful in the waiting (easier said than done) and distract yourself with other thoughts, definitely don’t go and Google yourself into fear! The gestational age based on LMP is not as accurate so cannot say for certain there should be a heartbeat now. 2 weeks later will be more indicative! Hang in there! Will pray for you :)

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4y trước

yes, googling only made me more worried

For my 1st pregnancy, I went to see my gynea at week 5.5 as I missed my period. Gynea did a scan and everything was normal and was told to come back at week 8 but could not hear heart beat and came back on week 9 and managed to listen for baby's heart beat. For my 2nd pregnancy, I visited the gynea at week 6 as I missed my period and came back at week 7.5 and managed to hear baby's heart beat. Every pregnancy is different. Hope for the best and relax.

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I know it's hard but try not to think too much. I'm have missed my period for 2 months when I visited the gynae he told me I'm only 5 weeks plus when I tot I'm way beyond that. no heartbeat for the first scan only yolk sac as well. went back around 2 weeks later finally saw the heartbeat. right now I'm 17 weeks, all the best and try not to think too much thou I know it's hard as it's my first pregnancy :) jiayou!

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4y trước

thank you, wish you all the best for your pregnancy too

Super Mom

Hi mama, Perhaps best to wait till 8 weeks? Till then I know it’s difficult but try distracting yourself and not think about it too much. Just some added perspective and really, I’m just trying to be objective here: sometimes, it’s our body’s way of saying, nope it’s not right, let’s try again. If we listen to our bodies, it usually makes decisions for our health and best interests. Praying with you and for you. Much love ❤️

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4y trước

I know what you mean. Just hoping for the best now, if it's not meant to be, then there is not much I can do too. thanks.

sometimes ovulation can occur slightly later even if you might have a regular monthly cycle. the ultrasound is actually quite on point in dating the gestational age. at this point you should be taking your folic acid (hospital usually prescribe 5mg) and if u have any spotting, you should be taking duphaston. if everything goes well, by wk 7-8 baby's heartbeat can be seen from the ultrasound already.

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4y trước

thank you ❤, yes I have been on folic acid as prescribed by the gynae since week 4 and also been taking the progesterone suppositories. No spotting so far.

Hi mummy, don’t worry too much. Although i don’t have much experience but it seems pretty normal. I went on 1st check up on my week 6 too, and no heartbeat, only sac was visible. Gynae mentioned too early to see the heartbeat. Managed to hear mine at week 8plus. So don’t stress yourself cos it’s not good for you and baby! 💕

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4y trước

thank you for the encouragement ❤

I tink every one is different. I managed to see on ultrasound and also get to hear heartbeat at wk 6 at gynae (the heartbeat was weak thou). Supposed to c him on wk 9 but i returned on wk 7+ coming wk 8 to get nausea meds so i did another scan. This time the heartbeat was louder but i find it sounds slow… 😂

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I know it feels uneasy and keep thinking and worrying about it. I would suggest you go to a private to get a scan done if it helps to relieve you a little bit. try to relax more as your baby will feel your stress if you're stressed up. perhaps watch some drama series to take your mind away from it?

4y trước

yes so far my previous scans all done at the private gynae. I'm changing to a different gynae clinic next Monday for a second opinion. thanks.

When I’m 6wks old my Gynae as me to wait for 1-2wks more before scanning for heartbeat! 6wks is the earliest you can hear the heartbeat but not all can hear yet. I’m also 39 with my first baby 😊 try not to worry about it I think maybe need wait another 1-2 wks. Good luck dear!

4y trước

thank you for the encouragement ❤

No need worry.. coz that time I go gynae also. He say coz some baby connect to mum with their tail in later days. I thought I am 5 weeks when gynae say is 4 weeks then after that okay.. I follow gynae instructions and have medicine .