Playpen or baby cot?

I'm 7 months pregnant and have been researching and looking to buy a playpen or baby cot for my baby, but I'm not sure which one to choose from. We are interested in getting this JOIE playpen which comes with a diaper change station and a rocker/bouncer. The playpen can be converted into a bed or later a playpen when the baby grows up. Can anyone advise? Thank you!

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Super Mom

I have the joie playpen you are considering. Happy with the pen itself so far, baby is 5 months old. Not so happy though with the bouncer - material is too warm so my baby refuse to sit in it now. The changing station - now that my baby can raise his head quite high, I have to remove the changing station everytime I put him into the pen.

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4y trước

Hi. Can i ask around which month you remove the bassinet? Cause i am thinking to remove the bassinet. But it seems like its too low for me to carry baby?

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playpen will be better. my kid used the cot for less than 4 months, and then he got used to sleeping on a firm matteress on the floor til today. he is almost 33 months old.

Thành viên VIP

For this age playpen is better ;) i used to leave my boy inside to play by himself if i need to do something 😊 can sleep inside too.

5y trước

Checkout Graco brand too

Thank you so much guys!! I think I'll buy a playpen as everyone also thinks it is better than a baby cot 😊

Thành viên VIP

It’s good to buy multi purpose baby furniture. It saves space and money. I think this JOIE playpen is good.

Playpen is actually more useful. But must take into consideration safety and your child's ability.

Playpen is useful. But can get a simple one, need not with a diaper change station cos seldom use.

Thành viên VIP

Graco playpen looks like this. Normally buy if have pre-order baby fairs it’s way cheaper 😊

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i think a playpen can be better