spotting. for concern?

I'm 6 weeks now and have been spotting on and off. Any idea when it is a concern? TIA!

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Best to get the advice from gynae... during my first trimester i visit gynae 5x due to my spotting/bleeding better to be safe than sorry

6y trước

What did your gynae say wrt to your spotting/bleeding issues?

I had that from week 6 to 8 and doc prescribed me duphaston. Have more rest.

Thành viên VIP

Once spotting is on and off, must seek medical attention fast.

Thành viên VIP

Better let your gynae knows so that she can advise what to do.

I had that too Better see gynae for support jab.

Super Mom

See doctor.asap for.hormone pill

Must see ur gynae asap

Super Mom

Check with your gynae