Unwanted abortion

I'm 6 months pregnant but I am not married. My partner is still in the picture and I'm not depending on my parents to handle my medical bills or pregnancy care. My parents have been asking me to abort. Right now, they are waiting for my response whether i want to abort through induce labour at 6 months pregnant. Is that even allowed? Everytime I reject the idea of abortion, they will get very angry. How do I reject this idea nicely? I really want this baby.

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Hi, just wanted to share I’ve had friends who were in the same situation as you and it all turned out well for them. Years have passed and some of them even have 2-3 kids by now leading happy lives. One of them mentioned when they look back this was just a small hurdle to them and what’s important is baby’s health

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5y trước

Hopefully it will turn out well for me too. Thank you for sharing❤️

Just go on with the pregnancy saying its risky for you to go thru this abortion thingy cos its already past the 2nd trimester mark. 😭 what is your partner planning to do? anw be firm abt your decision cos the baby is entirely yours. who knows once the baby is born, your parents see their grandchild and slowly can accept the baby. it happens. praying the best for you & baby! Pls dont give up!

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5y trước

Thank you so much for your encouragement. It means a lot to me especially after going through all this pain.