Unwanted abortion

I'm 6 months pregnant but I am not married. My partner is still in the picture and I'm not depending on my parents to handle my medical bills or pregnancy care. My parents have been asking me to abort. Right now, they are waiting for my response whether i want to abort through induce labour at 6 months pregnant. Is that even allowed? Everytime I reject the idea of abortion, they will get very angry. How do I reject this idea nicely? I really want this baby.

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How old are you? DO NOT listen to others opinion if YOU WANT this baby. YOU HAVE ALL RIGHTS. and 6 months are NOT ALLOWED for abortion in Singapore. it's too RISKY for the mother as well. How do I know this? Because my best friend tried to abort at that stage and the doctor asked to carry the baby till labour and when the baby has been delivered... it will be given to other people. ONLY... IF YOU SIGN THE PAPER. you are a MOTHER NOW, make a WISE DECISION. It is your choice. I am pregnant at 19 and I gave birth this year July. My boyfriend are now my Fiancè and are getting married in 1 month. Our both Family are mad at first too but my Fiancè and I stand up for what's ours and we don't give a damn about what they say. Now, they've agreed with our decision and once I've delivered the baby... everyone loves her. Now, we're living happily with our first daughter and I'm turning 20 in a few days too. My daughter now are 3 months plus and she's really chubby! :) My Fiancè quit his studies just to support us and I did the same thing. Both of our families helps to take care of my daughter.

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5y trước

I'm around your age and your situation is similar to mine. I'll fight for my rights. Hopefully, I would have a wonderful family like yours. Congrats on your little one...

When I had my first child, my parents wants me to abort. She even went to book an appointment with the gynae for the abortion. But I didnt turn up for the appointment. Me and my mom didnt talk for the whole 9 months until I am in labour and needs her approval for epidural. *I was 19 at that time* after giving birth, my mom soften and now she's a happy grandmama of 2 grandson. You're half way through there babe. Dun give up. And like you said, if they really wants you to abort the baby, they wouldn't wait for 6 months for your answer. Sit down and talk to them.. give them assurance.. When they see you in labor, the pain your mom used to go through, especially when she sees her grandchild, she will soften.. all mothers are the same.

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5y trước

I hope they will open up their hearts to accept me and the baby. I have to be strong I guess.

My partner then wanted me to abort my son , he abuses me and stuff bcos I wanted to keep ... I left him and I paid all the bills and stuff myself , without my parents support or anything during the pregnancy but I’m now a mother of a 4 mths old boy , I believe u can do it too ! I know it feels to be like so confused and stuff but when baby’s born your parents heart will soften after all it’s their grandchild :) don’t worry so much mummy , abortion isn’t legal after 24weeks unless some medical condition if I’m not wrong maybe try to get ur gynae to let ur parents know .. I’m 17 when preg 18 years when I gave birth . nothing is impossible , jiayous !!

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Why are you even considering this? Are you underage? If not, how can some stupid evil-minded adults talk you through into killing a life? If you had to abort you shouldn’t have waited till now. Seek help from social worker or whoever. You are an adult and you listen to your opinion. Do you eat s*** when they ask you to? You don’t. Spare a thought like a real mother for your unborn, stop being a weakling. Sorry I do not think I should be talking to you nicely when you are still thinking of how to reject “nicely”. What’s priority to you? Their anger? Madness!

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5y trước

Then learn now, stand up for your rights! They should now see you fighting to keep the baby and will eventually accept that you are a sensible adult already. No talking nicely else they won’t know you have already learnt what is speaking up for yourself and your baby. They need to wake up and if they don’t, stay away from them till baby safely arrive to the world. I wish you all the best, please stand strong and be there for your baby.

Super Mom

Hi dear, this baby is yours. You’ve spent 6 months with him/her, and you’re the one spending many more years with your child in the future. Nobody can make that decision for you, and neither should they force you to do their bidding. With regards to the regulations, if I remember correctly, no abortion can be done past 24 weeks, and even if you want to go for one just before 24 weeks, you’re required to go through counselling followed by 48 hours before it can be done. Hence, if you’re past 23 weeks and 4 days, you can’t have an abortion done.

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Your body, your choice. You are also not dependent on them for money. They can nag and get angry at you every time but at the end of the day, it's still your choice. they cannot drag you to the clinic to get one. So for now maybe stay clear of them. You have 3 more months to tahan! You can do it. Just stay strong. Be prepared they may not like the baby too once you've given birth. sometimes parents once they see a baby, their hearts will soften but sometimes not. So you need to be mentally prepared if they don't like the baby. Hang in there mummy.

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Influencer của TAP

It is not safe to abort at 6 months. Plus your baby is already growing well and aborting is tantamount to killing the child. Since you seemed to be independent and want to keep your baby, stand by your decision. You have the right to decide on your life and your baby’s life. Your parents need to acknowledge the fact that you are an adult already. Sit them down and tell them politely but resolutely that your decision is to keep the baby and assure them you can take on the responsibility of raising your child

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Baby is 6months already. That is way too long. Baby is big and can feel the pain. Please please, pray and be strong. Getting married doesnt mean single mother. Single mothers also are very strong. Since your partner is still in the picture, this is you and your partners decision. Especially you, your baby and your body. It will get better. For now, parent probably dont understand but it will get better. There are very good group in Singapore to bless you. Please dont do anything.

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I had my abortion last year at my 5th months cause kkh found out my baby have heart defect late and I only left 2 weeks to decide whether to give birth anot. Singapore cannot abort after 5 month pregnancy. Doctor say, by the time, baby can feel the pain already. I cried and cried during the abortion cause my family have financial issue. We will not able to pay any medical bill if baby born in this condition. But me and my husband really want to have one more baby. Please think twice

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5y trước

Don't worry. Things will change. I believe your family members will support you once baby is out. Stay positive!

If you are not depending on your parents you shouldn't have ask this question in the first place. I don't know exactly what's your situation but by now your parents should accept the baby. Aborting at 6 months is cruel. It's no longer a fetus. It's a baby. U should have known the gender also. I am also 6 months Preggy... Each time when my baby move. I feel blissed. Don't bother to find out whether it's allowed to abort at 6 months. Just tell them cannot.

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5y trước

I understand from other comments you are around 18-20... Now I get it why your parents are Insisting on the abortion. They are afraid u can't cope with the expenses and can't raise the child properly. For financial issues you can approach agencies who help young mothers. And do get hitched asap, you will be entitled for baby bonus.. U can use the cash to cope with expenses. Good luck to you.