
I'm 5-6 weeks, but had a miscarriage. This is my first pregnancy and I'm quite lost. Diagnosed with miscarriage, PUL or ectopic. They couldn't find the sac neither can they find anything in the fallopian tubes. But won't rule out ectopic yet. Was told by the doctor to go back to take a HCG test next week to confirm if it's a complete miscarriage. Still bleeding, am on the second day already. Am also experiencing headache and cramps still. Is it normal? What should I do if it's a confirmed miscarriage? Since it's 5-6 weeks, do I have to go through confinement? Or given MC?

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Super Mom

Hugs. I had a PUL my first pregnancy too. If your hcg doesn’t decrease and still cannot locate the sac, there’s risk of ectopic pregnancy at the Fallopian tubes which is not good. I had to take methrotrexate injections to abort. If your hcg drops, then continue to monitor until it’s gone and that you have menses bleeding which will pass out the sac. Cramps headache is normal, can take paracetamol. Ask for MC if too painful for you. Yes, can also do a mini confinement to help recovery.

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6y trước

I’m not sure, but they cannot confirm it isn’t unless they find the sac or your hcg drops to zero.

Hi. Sorry to hear your loss. I had the same situation before and it was confirmed a miscarriage at week 6. So I had d&c and was given 2 weeks MC to recover. Pls do a short confinement and go TCM to tiao your body. I did it that way and got pregnant again 2 months later and my Son now is already 10 mths old. Don’t give up ok!! :)

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6y trước

Thank you so much for the info. :)

Thành viên VIP

Hey, please remain positive! And what I heard from the TCM physician is that yes, as long you’ve been pregnant for more than 4 weeks, it is better for you to do confinement. Be it 15 days or 28 days. It helps your body better prepare for the next pregnancy. Cheers! 😊

6y trước

Thanks for the advise.

I have the same experience few months back. Take care and rest well. Talk to you HR on this scenario so that they will be able to understand and allow you to work at home at the same time rest. Dont think too much is the best remedies.

Hi dear! Your case same as me. This year 2019 March I got ectopic pregnancy. Left tube been took out. But currently I m pregnant again. One more week is 3months liao. Dont worry you can still have baby. Hehe! Cheers.

6y trước

Hi. After operation I think got 2 weeks or one months MC. I forgot already because I'm self employed. I dint got for TCM. I ordered online confinement meal included lunch and dinner 2 weeks :) most important u have to keep yourself happy and relax ok. 😊😊🤘

Sorry to heard this, don’t discourage... main thing is to get yourself well rested and recovered & give it a try again. All the best

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Thành viên VIP

Do check with your HR but the doctor will definitely provide medical cert etc. Take good care!

Thành viên VIP

Rest for few days. Be connected with your family and friends Take care

Same situation but no bleeding. Did they make u go for a hcg test

Hi, I am sorry to hear this. Please have lots of rest and sleep