negative pregnancy test
I'm 2weeks delayed. but my pregnancy test is negative ? my last period is oct. 3 until Oct. 7 . But until now my menstruation is not yet come.
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My first pregnancy test at the poly clinic was negative but I know now that was a false negative. Urine test cannot always pick up a very early pregnancy So wait a week or two and try again if your period still hasn't come
Maybe can go get a blood test done at gynae.. Sometimes home test cannot pick it up
5y trước
Do you know where can I consult here at Singapore ? I'm from Philippines .
Thành viên VIP
Perhaps for a few days more and test again Or go for a blood test
Actually I'm almost 6weeks now if ever I'm pregnant .
Thành viên VIP
maybe try again in 1 wk time
try again in a few days! :)
Thành viên VIP
Best to consult a gynae if you can
5y trước
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