super fine line ,I see 2 lines but the other one is super fine .
My last period start oct. 3 until Oct. 7 ..

Have u miss ur menses ? If yes, try with the digital version. U don’t need to “Guess” whether u pregnant or not. Use 1st urine of the day for more accurate result too . Good luck!
I used watson pregnancy kit and gave me very clear result. I was only delayed for 3 days when I checked. Or better to see doc for blood test. That one is more accurate.
I bought two pregnancy test,first one was like urs & i did it again the next morning & im pregnant.... U should test it again.... Congrats in advance
Hemm there is a chance. Try again another few days for more accurate result. Congratz in advance
Usually fine line could be early stage of pregnancy. Congrats!!!
U might be pregnant. Test it again after another few days.
Try again! :) most probably you are pregnant!
can try again, but I think you're pregnant
Try to test again. Chances yes u r pregant
Check again...most prob u r pregnant!