11 Replies

I think since you just asked which age one wants to be in and not any change in those circumstances, I would like to go back to my late teens as that was the time I met my first boyfriend and that was the loveliest time of my life. I was the most pampered child at home, I was doing well academically and I was totally in love. My parents were around and I was sb apple of their eye. Do I would want to go back to my late teens.

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i simply want to be at the age i am now, because all said and done, i am really happy where i am right now, and have learned from all my previous mistakes, even though i still continue to make most of them ;)

i'm 35 now, and even though it may sound weird, but i think i am at my most sorted phase of life at the moment....so personally, i would prefer this age yes :)

I would go back to my 20s and would like to do some things differently. I was very callous in my 20s and I would like to correct that.

I would want to be 17. Had just given my 12th exams and was super happy. No worries of life. Right now I am 30

20... I feel tht was my best years.. I really had fun both working and partying...

My school days specially my class 12th. Miss dat a lot

24 this time I enjoyed my life most

Bipasha Dasgupts

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