How do you like to drink your water?

Comment below if you prefer warm water or ice water?

How do you like to drink your water?
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Ice water makes me able to drink more. I drink 2.5-3 litre a day and overall i feel v. Good

During pregnant I love drinking warm water After and before I love cold water

Thành viên VIP

I guess it depends on the weather? Hahaha! But usually warm water 😁

Warm water. I'll easily catch cough/flu if i drink cold drinks often

Thành viên VIP

Depends on weather (Sunny means coldwater... Windy means hotwater)

Depends on the weather and if I’m having period or not 😁

Warm water in the morning, but ice water throughout the day

Thành viên VIP

For our SINGAPORE WEATHER I go wif ICE WATER for sure

Thành viên VIP

Actually none. I prefer room temperature. Lol! 🤣

Thành viên VIP

Ice water when I am younger, now warm water 😂