What is good to help morning sickness?

I'm almost 8 weeks pregnant and this week has been horrible with morning sickness, I stay eating snacks not meals, but it seems to be baby doesnt like anything including crackers, toast or gatorade. It all comes back up. Any ideas or tips on how to deal?

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If food can't stay down you may have to tell your gynae for medicine... For me, I make sure I eat some biscuits or bread every 2-3 hours. Drinking honey water and eating ice helps too. I ordered some vitamin b6 25mg (yukare brand from redmart) and took 1-2 (others says to take 3) pills a day and I find that it helps. Cause once I stopped for 1-2 days, the vomitting starts again. For this it's better you do more research and or ask your gynae cause you may have other sources of b6 from your other vitamins or food. I try to stick to 1-2 pills.

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Honey water! Also you can watch this: https://youtu.be/jOGbVcoeSU4