Morning Sickness & Allergies

Hello Mummies or mummies to be, ima at week 12 but morning sickness doesnt gets any better. Any remedy to it? And anyone feels like puking whenevr they brush their teeth? Not sure if its the toothpaste or its jst normal for all mummies. :(

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Hi morning sickness varies from individuals. Try to see what makes you feel better maybe smelling some essential oils. For me drinking juice helped. And morning sickness stopped at about 14 weeks. If it gets bad, ask gynae prescribe you some medications.

5y trước

Do you have any indigestion issue?

Thành viên VIP

Hi... you might wanna consider some of the remedies suggested in this article

I'll vomit whenever I brush my teeth.. I'm already nearing 14 weeks. Hoping my appetite will increase soon.