Baby's Poo Poo

Hi! I was wondering if it's normal for my girl who is turning 12 weeks old tomorrow to have peanut butter textured poo? ?? Her poo was all along curdy with tiny little chunks texture since she was born day 1. But suddenly her poopoo texture became 100% resemblance of peanut butter (sorry if it sound super gross and ruined the image of the yummy peanut butter). Color is alright same usual mustard yellow as she's formula fed. But the texture since last week starts to turn differently. Is it OK? Or anything I need to take note of? ?

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Thành viên VIP

Peanut butter texture is the 'perfect poop'. Thats what the PD told me 😀

5y trước

Omg so glad to hear that! Thank you! 😊

Super Mom

Perfectly good:)

5y trước
