3 months old stomach pain

Hi mummies, my lo has been rejecting her milk. Till now her intake is only 1/3 of her usuals. She has been crying after taking a few mouth. She also has been sleeping the whole day, super lethargic and keep crying every now and then. Her usual poo is yellow and paste like texture. Her poo just now was dark brown and mucus like. Pls advice I should still monitor or to bring her to the doc asap.

3 months old stomach pain
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Thành viên VIP

Please bring her to KKH to see a doc! Colour of stool and mucus is a sign of inflammation. She might be dehydrated too since she is rejecting most of the milk.

Thành viên VIP

bring her to pd immediately. her stool color is not righttt

Better go pd immediately. Stool colour don't look right.

Thành viên VIP

Please bring to the PD. stools don’t look nornal

Thành viên VIP

Yes pls see a doctor asap