C Sect and trouble with milk supply

I underwent C section and it’s been almost 2 weeks but my supply on each side never exceed 30ml each time. On good days I yield 30ml, on bad days I’m only yielding 10ml and I’m not able to keep up with my baby’s demand. Is it normal?

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Hi, sorry to hear that you are having difficult time but i have had similar struggle, I am mix feeding now but my milk supply increased a bit after having dates milk and drinking lots of water, sleep is also to be considered. I know its difficult with infant but sleep does help. You can also try liquid gold tablets

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Try eating foods that help boost milk supply. Some mothers milk booster are oats, soyabean, salmon. Drink more water. For me is dates milk.

We are also struggling, I think its normal

1y trước

Ok jiayou 🥺💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

Try power pumping.

1y trước

I’ve tried pumping that’s the amount of yield I’m getting

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