6 week PP - Low Supply
I’m a little sad that my supply has been constantly @ 30ml on average for each side despite trying out legendary supplements. On very very rare days, 1 side could yield 60ml, on very bad days, it may only come up to 10ml or less. I’ve been hydrating myself, but I’m not too sure what else I could do. For those who previously had low supply and saw an immense increase in your yield, Please help. I’m trying to keep up with baby’s demand.

My firstborn I struggled with low supply, and I prepared myself better with my second. Requested for supplement from kkh right after birth when I had zero milk in the first few days. I also bought and made green papaya soup herb pack from madam partum and had around 4 packs over 10 days, after which I became over supply with my bb on full bf. I get around 90-120ml surplus after 80ml feed. Eat the green papaya too not just drinking the soup. I found that it really made a difference for me. I consistently pump for 15 min each breast after latching during when I was building my supply. Drink lots water and used cimilre breast pump (almost similar to spectra S1). Sometimes I do hand pump when I feel energetic enough to prolong the pumping after using breastpump to help completely clear the boob. Try to eat overnight oat too, for some mummies it works. Wising u the best in ur journey!
Read moreI experienced the same thing with the other mummy with handsfree pump. After I switched from spectra s1 to handsfree pump, my yield doubled. I'm guessing it's because I don't keep staring at how much I'm producing ,and hence stress less, or that the handsfree pump somehow has a more suitable shape than the hospital grade one. I bought cubble C2 pumps coz cheaper haha. I also did the following: power pumping for a few days in a row, twice a day pump every 2 hrs to increase the demand drink plenty of water , easily 3litre a day eat oatmeal for bf for a few days (not sure how effective this is, but no harm trying) jiayou !
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I was struggling with low supply until I switched to handsfree pump at 1.5m (note what worked for me may not work for you). I went from pumping 10-35ml both sides to 180ml right after switching. I also take Legendairy sunflower lecithin with supplements (I rotate the 3-in-1 bottle bundle, 1 bottle at a time). I drink water before pumping, during pump and right after pumping. I stopped looking at the amount and just focus on using my phone or handling my baby (in short, don’t stress).
Read moreI currently yield 100-150ml combined at almost 2 mths pp. remember to drink lots of water (i tink it helps me and i drink from cold to warm to hot water). I can easily down 8l in one day. Haha.. Oh i also switched frm s1 to baby express be free. Handsfree yield better for me probably coz suction is better? My s1 felt weak when i was at my comfort level of highest cycle n vacuum 10…
Read moreI also experience the same thing but I think my low supply is actually due to family stress. If u are facing stress,your milk supply will be little. Maybe u can try power pump to build up your supply as the trick is "supply and demand".