I think my husband is very high temper person. He just hit the car at home and complaint a lot toward my dad. How should I do?

More than anything, your husband probably needs to know that you’re on his side, that you’re not against him. Being calm in these situations is really important! You may need to communicate, more than you probably think necessary, that you accept him and love him, even though you may not be satisfied with his recent behaviours. Try to find out what's making him so high tempered, work, friends etc. Then you can try to help the situation!
Read moreI suggest that first, extend more patience and understanding towards him. Second, try to look into details. Ask him subtle questions that can help you figure out why he is acting the way he does. Maybe a simple "how was your day at work?" or "did you enjoy bonding the kids?" Sometimes, these simple conversations can lead to a serious one wherein you can find possible problems which can help you avoid or solve in advance.
Read moreIn my experience, negative behaviour like that comes from some other issue that he is likely unable to resolve or communicate. As long as the temper stays in check and you still feel safe, I suggest finding a good moment to talk to him about the root of his anger. Here's an article that might help. "Lambing" means affectionate. http://ph.theasianparent.com/4-lambing-ways-deal-husbands-negative-behavior/
Read moreYou should talk things out with him and get to know what is wrong, where is the problem. You should also advice him to go on temper management courses. http://scc.sg/eng/index.php/angermanagement/ Should his behaviour turn abusive and threatening, do not be afraid to speak up. Do not suffer in silence. Help is available at: http://www.aware.org.sg/dealing-with-family-violence/
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There could be underlying issues such as work or financial trouble. Would be best to take him aside and check with him.