Skin changes
I suddenly noticed alot of pimples/red skin tags looking spots at my chest area. Currently at week 14 going 15. Is it normal? Also noticed alot of skin tags around my tummy. Please help! I am really worried.

it looks like pupp rash which is common during pregnancy. I only started having these bumps in my 35th week and it gets very very itchy, especially when I accidentally scratch it till it burst. asked my gynae today: he recommended me to take zytec (not zytec D) and apply calamine lotion.. the rash doesn't harm the baby, it happens coz of the skin overstretching as the baby grows. check in with ur gynae to confirm.
Read moreIt's normal and the one responsible for that are your pregnancy hormones. I've got a lot as well even grew on my neck and back, they can get pretty itchy also. 🥹🥹🥹 No need to worry that much as they'll be gone after delivery according to the articles I've read. Hahahahaha. I just had to apply Suu Balm every time just to relieve the itch.
Read moreKinda looks like pup rash have u told ur gynae ab it?