schedule for induce

I will be schedule for induce soon. Just want to ask, after being given the pill or drip are we allowed to go home or strictly stay in hospital?

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You will have to stay in the hospital , and there will do the ultra sound to see if the baby head position is ready for birth and they will also get you to lie down to observe the baby heart beat and monitor and then they will ask you to admit in the hospital afterward they will induce you where they will insert a pill into your vagina and when you start to feel cramps thats when you might go into labour .. the pill will be inserted into your vagina every 6 hours ( maximum will be 4 pills ) .. Dont worry it will go well .. Dont worry mummy ..

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stay in hospital till delivery, after being induced thru vagina. they need to monitor your dilations, contractions, baby's heartbeat and etc

Thành viên VIP

It depends on your gynae! My gynae actually gave me an option

Super Mom

Asked before. Strictly stay in hosp. Incase of prolapse. :(

Stay in hospital... Will insert de pill in virginal...

Super Mom

Stay in hospital as everything will happen quickly

Thành viên VIP

strictly stay in hospital

In hospital. Via Pill.

Pls stay in hospital

Strictly in hospital