Going for induce soon!

Hi mummies.. im going to be induce at KKH this 24th as i will be 40 weeks and 1 day.. got no signs of labour. How is the induce procedure? Care to share? My first time induce and im kinda nervous. Also, whats the procedure like given the covid restrictions? Is it best to take ART self teat before coming or? Thank you for sharing!

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1. Check into delivery suite 2. Nurses will use wheelchair and push you to a 4 bedder room or so. (partner can be with you in the room for 5 - 10 mins only). 3. then they will insert a pill into you (like literally). 4. Contractions will soon begin! 5. Press the bell if you cannot take it & then they will arrange nurses to use wheelchair to push you down to the delivery suite itself. 6. Only when you reach the delivery suite then your partner can be with you again! (best to asked partner to be around the hospital in case things goes by fast). 7. Enjoy the process and push when asked to!

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Thank you so much!