I am sad. I am a sahm. Just had a quarrel with my husband. My LO is 1 month 1 week. I just rise the question asking when he would want to bring him for injection. And he start to piss off and tell me he had been taking alot of leave since I give birth and also during our wedding period which is within this year. And he say to me that I always take and want him to do everything for me. Can't I just do it myself? As a new mom taking care of baby is abit difficult and I hardly have time for myself or sleep. I where got the time to even do my own stuff. He told me that his work is stacking up and he needs to work. Work is as important as the family. Without work how can he feed us. And i feel that I am so useless after he say all the things to me. Feel so regretted to have a baby or even married him.

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Man prospective: I think you are new to this housewife role. It is important to seek support from your mother in law and mother. It is the role of the housewife to run the household while man go out work and have a sanctuary to come home. Unless both of you are working.. Hushband and wife got job to do. My colleagues who's wife are housewife have pack lunch from home and etc. This is the agreement they have with their wife.i reckon you are new and it takes time. Don't stress up.

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4y trước

its not the housewife's role to run the household. she is still afterall a wife, which means she deserves to be treated as a wife and her husband should share her burdens as much as she shares his. what should be done is they should communicate in a more mature way instead of her husband making it seem like being a parent to the child is her responsibility. it is not wrong for her to wanna share the responsibility together with her husband, to have her husband be there with her and their child. if he finds that it will be difficult for him to take anymore leaves from work, he could have explained to her that there are times he has to put work first because at the end of the day, as a sole breadwinner, he has to do well in his job in order to put food on the table. a lady who just went through pregnancy will have a hard time controlling her emotions because whatever goes on with her hormones are uncontrollable but a husband should know better to be considerate towards the woman who j