Massage before breastfeeding

Hello! I really dislike rolling my nipples to massage my breasts before pumping. Any mommies feel the same way as me?

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I never rolled nipples.. for breastfeeding, baby’s latching will naturally cause the let down of milk. For pumping..If I needed to massage, it was only going round the breast. Still worked. I think looking at baby physically, or even pictures/videos also helped stimulate

Why roll your nipples? It should be massaging your breasts not your nipples. Also for latching you don't need to massage. Baby's sucking is naturally strong so will auto let down milk unlike pumping which only mimics baby's sucking.

3y trước

Oh I don’t latch my baby, doing exclusive pumping. LC mentioned to roll my nipples to open up the ducts. If I don’t roll, the milk doesn’t come out

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you try massaging around the breast to see if milk comes out, it should work too

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can just massage around the breast, no need to roll