I am part of a mummy group on WA. And all the mummy do all day is talk about what new things they have bought or signed up their kids for. They talk about buying 2-3 breast pumps, high tea at various hotels, the best tula carriers to buy, sending their kids for swimming etc. I really feel my heart pain when I see what they can offer their kids and what I cannot. Any other mummy feel this way also?

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I'm in a few grps. I would say not that I can't afford Tula/jjb/llr but seriously I'm not interested in them. So whenever the grps start talking abt them I'll just skip.... I'm not someone who is so interested in those material things, I prefer to spend my money on my boy... to bring him out to play, for class etc which I feel is a better investment ( though it cannot be seen via first impression) so I'll get very alert when they share abt sales/foc classes/play dates etc Only when they talk abt things that interest me then I participate if not I'll just skip... we are already busy as SAHM, no time to waste on such trivial matters...

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